
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Job hunting online gets trickier

Federal regulations kick in today that will make Internet job hunting more complicated. Here's what candidates need to know -- and change -- now.

Well, you can say another goodbye to good ole opportunity. How does the old addage go? "When opportunity knocks, answer the door." Something like that. Now opportunity is knocking on Death's door. Let's see how long it takes for him to answer.

All these regulations are going to do is create a more complicated system that less people are going to be able to figure out, and those lucky enough to HAVE the 3 years of experience that is required for nearly every "entry level" job are going to be the only ones working. I hope they enjoy supporting the inflated population of unemployed citizens.

read more digg story


Blogger Aaron said...

Let me leave an addendum to this...

No, I do not enjoy supporting all the unemployed people out there. I forgot for a moment there that it's always... ALWAYS the employed people that support everyone else in society. I want everyone to have a job that's appropriate for their motivation and skill level, and also be compensated accordingly. That's the only fair way.

10:18 PM  

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